Operation Gigaslav

January 2, 2023

Consider this my New Year’s resolution.

The Problem

I feel this existential dread sometimes. I want my life to amount to something, but it’s hard to see this happen the way things are going right now.

Basically, I’ve a got a pretty long list of things I’d really like to do and skills I’d like to learn. Accomplishing all this requires quite a lot of time, energy (both physical and mental). Sadly, as it is right now, I don’t really have any of that.

Getting such things done should be easy if you really enjoy the process, and I can assure you that I do. The problem is that being lazy and procrastinating playing video games or watching videos on the internet have always been way more appealing to me than any “productive” work.

I admit, this gave me a lot of fun over the years, but it’s also giving me some regrets: I’ve not achieved much, definitely not as much as I could have. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had some success in life but that feeling of unrealized potential is just too much to handle sometimes.

And it’s not just about my ego, although it certainly does play a huge role. There are simply so many things that, if existed, could drastically improve my life, making it more comfortable and enjoyable. I can always hope someone else comes up with something similar, but experience shows that the chances of that actually happening are pretty slim.

So it’s not that I’m not motivated, just not disciplined, and that’s what I’d like to try to change.

The Plan So Far

Here’s the list of things I’d like to work on in the nearest future, in no particular order:

The main idea is to start actually forcing myself to dedicate time to these things. Ideally, I should be able to find abount an hour every day. This is quite optimistic on my part, but in any case, anything is better than nothing, right?

I’m not going to commit to any schedule, just assign each of these “tasks” one of the days of the week. If I find myself not wanting to do anything or being unsure what to do exactly, I’ll just look at the calendar and do the “task of the day”, breaking ties with a randomizer or something. I’ve not ironed out the details yet.

And to give myself some more motivation, I’m going to post a report every week. I might create a separate section on the website with its own feed so you won’t have to see it if you don’t care, but we’ll see. Regardless, see you next week!