I have decided that dates make some pretty boring titles, so I will be trying to spruce them up a bit.
In any case, this week has been pretty uneventful when it comes to my personal endeavors. Turns out there are quite a lot of days when I don’t get even an hour of free time. But I’ve got an idea how to change that.
I’ll just cut my hours at my day job. Genius, right? By working 7 hours a day I will get that sweet sweet hour to work on my stuff every day. I’m so clever.
This, however, does mean that I’ll have an extra work day, but it’s going to be shorter than usual. There has to be a way to fill this day with some easier tasks, so hopefully I won’t suffer too much. Only one way to figure out.
I’ve improved the implementation of some features in my guilt fork. I’ve also added a new feature: an ability to tag patches and apply them based on some user-provided “filter expression”. I’d rather not describe it all right now, just wait for the post on the main blog.
Just running around in circles, hoping to approach an enemy at some point.