Jan 30, 2023 - Gathering pace

January 30, 2023

This week has been slightly better: I managed to put more time into all this self-improvement business, although I obviously could have done more.

But whatever, baby steps.


I continued reading the book. Just another couple of pages, but this time it went somewhat smoother. I’m starting to remember the words I used to know.


Perhaps it’s a bit too early to mention this here but I started reading Calculus Made Easy. So far it doesn’t look like a serious book on the subject but it is certainly interesting. Even if it’s too surface-level for my goals, it shouldn’t hurt to read the whole thing and maybe get some intuition in the process.


I’ve pushed some patches to my guilt fork. I haven’t had a chance to test these patches myself, other than some basic checks, but they should work. If not, I can always fix the problems.

I’ve also created a repository for some smaller utility scripts. I called it oceanutils because it’s kind of like moreutils but more “more”. In many slavic languages, “more” can be translated as “sea”, and oceans are larger than seas. The repository is empty right now, but hopefully I’ll upload something soon. I’ve got a couple of scripts ready and I’m trying to figure out what should be left as bash functions.

This Week’s Stylish Rating


Certainly the most productive week so far, but leaves a lot to be desired.